Monday, January 11, 2010

Uncle Cory

Well this sucks. I just wrote a page about people moving around all over the country and for some reason (sure it was me hitting some random key) it all dissapeared. I was thinking about why people move. Sometimes it's with a job. SOmetimes it might be to get away from somebody or something. Other times it just might be to get rich, a feeling of no future. Or just plainly in a rut. Move to a new place you can leave your past behind. Become whomever you want to be. Whatever the reason, we are a wondering group of people. I had the opportunity to travel to Washington and I could not pass going to see where my Paternal Grandmother's Uncle Cory Combes moved. When I was young I heard stories about how he had left Kentucky to travel to Alaska to get rich in the gold fields. Now I do not know if he actually made it to Alaska or not. But I do know that he and his wife did settle in Elma, Washington where he opened a general store. He raised a family there and became somewhat succesfull in his business. Anyway we drove through Elma's Masonic Cemetery wondering just where the Combes plot might be and believe it or not one of the biggest stones there said Combes on it. It was his and his wife Emily's grave and their son Virgil grave. I cannot believe we found it. I know my grandmother sister did visit the area when she was younger. But I wondered how long it had been since she had visited. Is their other Combes cousins in the area. Chances are I will never be back. Christy was there and I wonder when she is 90 years old if she will tell of the time when she went to Elma, WA and found the grave of her Great-Grandmother Mitchell's uncle. I hope she does....